Thursday, October 9, 2008


It seems as though Miss Alyson has an allergy to something, and I say something because I have no idea what is causing the red spots all over her abdomen and legs. On Monday night after bath time I noticed an area near her right underarm, so being the freak that I am I put some hydrocortizone cream on it thinking it was probably just a bug bite. Turns out this was no bug bite and by Tuesday night she had little red dots on her abdomen and legs. We were at my Granny's house (we visit her every Tuesday evening and have dinner with her) so I let Granny and Aunt Kris look at the spots, we decided it was probably some virus from daycare and I would just watch it. By Wednesday morning the small red dots had turned into nickle sized spots, ok time to freak-out, what in the world is this. Wednesday morning I took her to the pediatrician who confirmed she was having an allergic reaction. I have been trying to determine if we have introduced anything new, foods, detergents, soaps, etc. and I can not come up with anything. Today is Thursday and the spots were there this morning but getting better throughout the day with the aid of Benedryl, so we will just watch and see how long it takes to go away, luckily they do not itch so she is not miserable. I think it is bothering me more than it is Alyson.